Title IX Team
Federal Title IX Regulations (34 C.F.R 106) require training materials for Title IX team members to be publicly available on the institution's website. McLennan Community College Title IX Team members have received the training listed below.
Note: The information below is not the MCC Student Title IX training. To access that training, please log-in to MyMCC and access the Required Agreements.
NASPA Title IX Certificate Program: Track 1 Title IX Coordinators
NASPA Title IX Certificate Program: Track 2 Title IX Decision Makers
TASB Incorporating the New Title IX Regulations into Policy
Recording link available but cannot be shared outside of our organization
OCR New Protections Against Sexual Assault
OCR Due Process
OCR New Title IX Protections Against Sexual Assault
OCR Conducting and Adjudicating Title IX Hearings: An OCR Training Webinar
OCR How to Report Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
ATIXA Ten Things to Know About the New Title IX Regulations Webinar with TNG Partners
Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy at Stetson University College of Law Part 3: Intersection of Title IX with State Law
Marcus Williams Training Academy: Biased Investigations
Marcus Williams Training Academy: Investigative Planning
ATIXA Title IX Advisor Training
ATIXA Title IX Hearing Chairs